Software Architect

Dreaming of a mojo package manager

I began learning Mojo and noticed there wasn’t a native default package manager and i began dreaming one up after doing a bit of research:

What currently exists:

What the community is discussing and requesting:

I would use the name Mojic and use a Mojic.toml and Mojic.lock similar to how Rust’s cargo does it.

futures_01 = { package = "futures", version = "0.1.0", type = "src", repo = "" }
futures_03 = { package = "futures", version = "0.3.0" }

I would also add in a type of wether to use src or mojopkg, defaults to mojopkg.

If we soley use mojopkg could the compiler deduplicate dependencies of the same version across dependent mojopkg’s? Either way we will still need compiling from source from local paths or git repos so it won’t matter.

Then comes a mojopkg repository with: User auth, package publishing api, reference to the package’s git repo, etc.

Anyways it’s a fun dream. :)